Terms of service – inGrade
The following rules (the “ToS”) explain how to use the Platform and the services provided by InGrade. InGrade is a private limited company, and has its main office at 2nd Floor, Plot no. 4, Minarch Tower, Sector 44, Gurugram, Haryana. These Terms of Service apply to all mobile apps, Facebook groups, Instagram pages, Facebook pages, email, SMS, phone calls, and other InGrade’s hosted communication platforms or media. These will be considered part of the Platform (explained in more detail below). If you use InGrade Services (defined below), you are understood to have agreed to these Terms of Service. These Terms of Service include the terms in our privacy policy, which you can find at (“PrivacyPolicy”), and any other InGrade policy related to the Services. Your agreement to follow all the rules and obligations spelled out here will bind you permanently and without any exception unless they are made clear as being optional. You are expected to keep agreeing to these Terms of Service until you tell InGrade in writing that you no longer agree. If You and InGrade already have an agreement in place for the InGrade Services, any changes to these Terms of Service will only take effect if both parties to that agreement agree to them in writing. Please only use the Platform or services if you agree to all the terms and conditions in these TOS.
Getting to InGrade Services
Being part of InGrade gives you access to many people and things that can help you learn more. There may be different rules for accessing those.
This is how the rules work for each of those resources:
Recordings of classes, mentor sessions, TA sessions, and masterclasses:
We guarantee access to all recordings even after the end of your last required class with InGrade (as part of the program you joined), as long as you follow the terms in this agreement, including the ones that say when the program ends.
Practice Interviews with Experts:
You get practice interviews with experts as long as you follow InGrade’s rules. Like the one-on-one mentoring meetings, you can only do expert mock interviews even after your last required class.
TA/mentor/Instructor help:
You can get TA/mentor/Instructor help at any time during your InGrade journey, even if you have to take a break from the training. There are also [Slack]and WhatsApp groups where you can ask for help from the community. It’s likely that you’ll get assistance from other students or peers
(disclaimer: InGrade doesn’t promise an answer from other students or peers on these groups and other peer discussion sites).
Notes and assignments:
You can always view the notes and tasks provided by the TA/mentor/Instructors of the InGrade course.
Opportunities for jobs:
These are the ways that InGrade connects its learners with appropriate job openings:
There are community groups where an alum, friend, adviser, or TA/mentor/Instructors might post job openings and can help you meet with people who can help you if it’s relevant.
You are found by recruiters through the Talent platform. This profile is only seen by recruiters from certain companies. They try to get in touch with you if they find your profile interesting.
Finally, InGrade may work directly with some businesses to help them hire. In this kind of interaction, there is an internal InGrade team that helps people get in touch with companies that are hiring.
InGrade can remove learners drop out of the training, break these Terms of Service.