Basics of Excel

  • A workbook is the primary file in Excel where you can store and organize multiple sheets of data. It typically has the file extension .xlsx.
  • A worksheet is an individual tab within the workbook where data, formulas, and charts can be entered and analyzed. Each workbook can contain multiple worksheets.
  • Use the sheet tabs at the bottom left of the workbook.
  • Alternatively, use keyboard shortcuts:
    • Ctrl + PgUp: Move to the previous sheet.
    • Ctrl + PgDn: Move to the next sheet.
  • You can also right-click the sheet navigation arrows to display a list of all sheets for quick selection.
  • A cell reference identifies a specific cell in a worksheet using its column letter and row number (e.g., A1 for the first column and row).
  • Types of references include:
    • Relative: Adjusts based on the cell location (e.g., A1).
    • Absolute: Remains fixed using $ (e.g., $A$1).
    • Mixed: Fixes either the row or column (e.g., $A1 or A$1).
  • Freezing panes keeps selected rows/columns visible while scrolling.
    • Navigate to View > Freeze Panes.
    • Options include:
      • Freeze Top Row: Keeps the first row visible.
      • Freeze First Column: Keeps the first column visible.
      • Freeze Panes: Freezes rows/columns above and to the left of the active cell.
  • The Quick Access Toolbar provides easy access to frequently used commands like Save, Undo, and Redo.
  • You can customize it by adding commands specific to your workflow, making tasks faster and more efficient.

The Name Box is located to the left of the formula bar. It:

    • Displays the address of the active cell (e.g., B2).
    • Allows you to navigate to a specific cell or range by entering its reference.
    • Helps name and quickly access ranges for easier data management.
  • Insert Rows/Columns:
    • Right-click on a row/column number, then choose Insert.
    • Alternatively, use shortcuts:
      • Rows: Ctrl + Shift + “+”.
      • Columns: Select the column and use the same shortcut.
  • Delete Rows/Columns:
    • Right-click the row/column and select Delete.
  • Use Ctrl + N to instantly create a new workbook in Excel.
  • Use Ctrl + Tab on Windows or Command + ` on Mac to toggle between open workbooks.
  • Alternatively, click the desired workbook from the taskbar or Excel’s Window menu.
  • xlsx: Standard workbook format without macros.
  • .xlsm: Macro-enabled workbook.
  • .xls: Legacy format for Excel 97-2003, ensuring compatibility with older versions.


Cell styles are predefined formatting combinations, including font styles, colors, borders, and alignment, designed to ensure consistency and professionalism in your workbook. They simplify formatting large datasets.
How to Apply:

  • Select the cells you want to format.
  • Go to Home > Styles group and click Cell Styles.
  • Choose a style (e.g., Heading, Total, or Custom).
    This allows you to quickly standardize your sheet without manually formatting each element.

Borders visually separate data for clarity.

Highlight the cells.

  • Go to Home > Font group and click the Borders icon.
  • Choose options like Outside Borders, Thick Borders, or custom settings from More Borders.
  • Borders improve readability and are often used in summary tables or data presentation.
  • Built-in Formats: Predefined styles like currency, percentages, or dates (e.g., $1,000.00 or MM/DD/YYYY). These are standard for quick application.
  • Custom Formats: User-defined formats for unique needs. For instance, #,#00.00 shows numbers with two decimal places, and [Red]-#,##0.00 highlights negative numbers in red. Custom formats provide flexibility for specific data representations.

Alignment ensures data is presented clearly.

  • Select the cell(s).
  • Go to Home > Alignment group.

Use options like Align Left, Center, or Align Right.
Vertical alignment can be set to Top, Middle, or Bottom.
Proper alignment is essential for polished and professional-looking spreadsheets.

Conditional formatting dynamically changes cell appearance based on criteria (e.g., highlighting values above 100).
How to Create Rules:

  • Select the range.
  • Go to Home > Conditional Formatting > New Rule.


Choose a condition (e.g., greater than, contains text) and set formatting (e.g., color or bold).
It’s a powerful tool for highlighting trends and outliers in datasets.

Negative numbers in red improve data readability, especially in financial contexts.

  1. Select the cells.
  2. Go to Home > Number group > More Number Formats.
  3. Use a custom format like #,##0.00;[Red]-#,##0.00.
    This separates positive, negative, and zero values visually.

The Format Painter copies the formatting of one cell or range to others.
How to Use:

  • Select the formatted cell.
  • Click the Format Painter in the Home > Clipboard group.
  • Drag over target cells to apply the same formatting.
    For repeated application, double-click the Format Painter to lock it.


  • Hover over the edge of the row/column header and drag to resize manually.
  • To auto-fit content, double-click the edge.
  • Alternatively, go to Home > Format > Column Width/Row Height to specify exact dimensions.
    This ensures data fits neatly without being cut off.

Drop-down lists restrict inputs to predefined options.

  • Select the target cells.
  • Go to Data > Data Validation > Settings tab.
  • Choose List under Allow, then enter options separated by commas or link to a range.
    Drop-downs ensure consistent and accurate data entry.

Themes are collections of fonts, colors, and effects that standardize the appearance of Excel workbooks.
Steps to Apply:

  • Go to Page Layout > Themes.
  • Choose a pre-designed theme or customize it.
    Themes ensure branding and consistency across presentations, especially for professional reports.

Formulas and Functions

To write a formula, start with an equal sign (=), followed by your desired operation or function.

=A1+B1 adds values in A1 and B1.

=SUM(A1:A5) calculates the sum of values from A1 to A5.
Excel dynamically updates the result when values in the referenced cells change.

The TODAY() function returns the current date (without the time). It updates automatically each day.
Example Use:

To calculate age: =TODAY()-A1 (if A1 contains a birth date).
This is useful for reports or dashboards requiring up-to-date date-based calculations.

The LEN function counts the number of characters in a string, including spaces and special characters.
=LEN(“Excel”) returns 5.
It’s helpful for text processing, such as verifying if a field meets a character limit.

  • Relative References (e.g., A1): Adjust when a formula is copied to another cell.
  • Absolute References (e.g., $A$1): Remain fixed regardless of where the formula is moved.
  • Mixed References (e.g., $A1 or A$1): Fix either the row or column.
    Example: If =A1+B1 is copied to C3, it becomes =C3+D3 (relative), but =$A$1+$B$1 remains constant.

The CONCATENATE or CONCAT function combines text from multiple cells into one.
=CONCAT(A1, ” “, B1) merges A1 and B1 with a space in between.
It’s commonly used to combine first and last names or format addresses.

The ROUND function rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places.
=ROUND(123.456, 2) returns 123.46.
It’s used to simplify numerical data, especially in financial calculations.

The AND function checks if multiple conditions are true.
=AND(A1>0, B1<10) returns TRUE if both conditions are met.
It’s often combined with IF to create more complex logic.

Nested IF statements handle multiple conditions by placing one IF inside another.
=IF(A1>10, “High”, IF(A1>5, “Medium”, “Low”)).
This evaluates if A1 is greater than 10, then 5, and assigns values accordingly.

Subtract the earlier date from the later date.
If A1 is 01/01/2024 and B1 is 01/10/2024, =B1-A1 returns 9.
You can use the DATEDIF function for more detailed calculations like months or years.

Excel displays error codes for specific issues:

  • #DIV/0!: Division by zero.
  • #VALUE!: Invalid data type.


#NAME?: Unrecognized function or range.
To manage errors, use IFERROR:
=IFERROR(A1/B1, “Error”) replaces errors with a custom message.

Sorting and Filtering

To sort by multiple columns, follow these steps:

  1. Select your dataset.
  2. Navigate to Data > Sort.
  3. In the Sort dialog box, click Add Level to specify multiple columns.
  4. For each level, choose the column, sort order (A-Z, Z-A, or custom), and any specific conditions.
    This feature is useful for hierarchical data organization, like sorting employees by department and then by name.

The custom sort feature allows sorting based on predefined lists or criteria instead of default alphanumeric order.
Example: Sorting months in chronological order (Jan, Feb, Mar) instead of alphabetically.
To use it:

  1. Open Data > Sort, then select Options > Custom List.

Enter or select the desired list for sorting.
It is ideal for sorting data like priority levels (High, Medium, Low).

Filters help display rows that match specific criteria:

  1. Select your data and click Data > Filter.
  2. Small dropdown arrows will appear on column headers.

Click a dropdown, check or uncheck values, and press OK.
This method helps isolate rows containing particular text, numbers, or dates.

Filters can also target cell or font colors:

  1. Apply filters using Data > Filter.
  2. Click the dropdown in the target column.

Choose Filter by Color and select the desired color.
This is commonly used in visually highlighted data for quick analysis.

Advanced filters allow complex conditions beyond the basic filter options:

  1. Create a criteria range on your sheet, specifying column headers and conditions.
  2. Select your dataset, go to Data > Advanced Filter.
  3. Choose whether to filter in place or copy to another location.
  4. Input the criteria range and press OK.
    This method is useful for combining multiple conditions using logical operators like AND/OR.
  • Clearing a Filter: Resets the current filter, displaying all rows while keeping filter functionality active.
  • Removing a Filter: Completely disables the filtering feature, removing dropdown arrows from headers.

Yes, Excel allows sorting using custom lists for non-standard orders:

  1. Select your dataset and open Data > Sort.
  2. In the Sort dialog, click Order > Custom List.
  3. Enter or select the predefined order (e.g., days of the week or priority levels).
    This feature ensures data is organized in meaningful sequences.

To isolate blank cells:

  1. Apply filters using Data > Filter.
  2. Open the dropdown in the desired column.

Check the (Blanks) option to display only empty rows.
This is useful for spotting and managing incomplete data.

To sort numbers stored as text numerically:

  1. Convert them to numeric values using VALUE or Text to Columns.
  2. Select the column, and sort as usual under Data > Sort.
    This avoids errors when numbers are stored inconsistently.

To save only the filtered rows:

  1. Select the filtered data, excluding any hidden rows.
  2. Copy it (Ctrl + C), paste it into a new workbook (Ctrl + V).
  3. Save the new workbook with a desired name and format.
    This ensures a clean dataset for sharing or analysis.

Charts and Visualizations

A Line Chart is ideal for visualizing trends or changes over time, such as tracking monthly sales or temperature fluctuations. It connects data points with lines, making it easier to identify upward, downward, or steady trends across intervals.

To change a chart type:

  • Select the chart.
  • Go to Chart Tools > Design > Change Chart Type.
  • Choose the desired chart type from the menu and click OK.
    This allows flexibility in presenting data with the most suitable visualization.


Secondary axes are useful for comparing datasets with different scales:

  • Right-click on the data series you want to display on the secondary axis.
  • Select Format Data Series.
  • In the Format pane, check Secondary Axis.


  • Relative References (e.g., A1): Adjust when a formula is copied to another cell.
  • Absolute References (e.g., $A$1): Remain fixed regardless of where the formula is moved.
  • Mixed References (e.g., $A1 or A$1): Fix either the row or column.
    Example: If =A1+B1 is copied to C3, it becomes =C3+D3 (relative), but =$A$1+$B$1 remains constant.
  • Histogram: Represents the frequency of data within intervals or bins, ideal for distribution analysis (e.g., test scores).
  • Bar Chart: Compares categorical data, like sales figures across regions.


A Pivot Chart visualizes data summarized in a Pivot Table.

  • Click anywhere in the Pivot Table.
  • Go to Insert > PivotChart.
  • Choose a chart type and customize as needed.


Gridlines improve readability by marking data points:

  • Right-click on gridlines and select Format Gridlines.
  • Adjust color, thickness, or line style in the Format pane to enhance chart clarity.


To modify the data range of an existing chart:

  • Select the chart.
  • Go to Chart Tools > Design > Select Data.
  • Edit the data range in the Select Data Source window.


Dynamic labels update automatically with changes in the source data:

  • Click the chart, and go to Select Data > Edit.
  • Reference a cell range containing dynamic values for the labels.


A Waterfall Chart is used to illustrate cumulative effects of sequential positive and negative values, such as tracking financial flows like income, expenses, and final profit. It highlights how each component impacts the total.

Advanced Functions

The XLOOKUP function searches for a value in one range and returns the corresponding value from another range. Unlike VLOOKUP, it can look in any direction and doesn’t need the lookup column to be the first.
Example: =XLOOKUP(5, A1:A10, B1:B10) finds 5 in A1:A10 and returns the matching value from B1:B10.

The TRANSPOSE function switches rows to columns or vice versa. It’s useful for reorganizing data without manual adjustments.
Example: =TRANSPOSE(A1:C1) converts a horizontal range (A1:C1) into a vertical column.

The INDIRECT function creates a cell reference from text, making references dynamic.
Example: =INDIRECT(“A” & B1) refers to cell A5 if B1 contains 5.

The OFFSET function creates a reference to a cell based on a starting point, with a specified number of rows and columns offset.
Example: =OFFSET(A1, 2, 1) refers to the cell two rows down and one column to the right of A1.

The SUMIF function adds values in a range that meet a specified condition.
Example: =SUMIF(A1:A10, “>10”, B1:B10) sums values in B1:B10 where A1:A10 is greater than 10.

The RANK function assigns a rank to a value within a list, sorted either in ascending or descending order.
Example: =RANK(A1, A1:A10) ranks A1 among the values in A1:A10.

The ISERROR function checks if a value or formula results in an error, returning TRUE or FALSE.
Example: =IF(ISERROR(A1/B1), “Error”, A1/B1) handles division errors gracefully.

An array formula performs operations on multiple values simultaneously. Older versions require pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter to activate it.
Example: {=A1:A5*B1:B5} multiplies each element in A1:A5 with corresponding elements in B1:B5.

The INDEX function retrieves a value at a specific position, and MATCH finds the position of a value. Together, they create a powerful lookup tool.
Example: =INDEX(B1:B10, MATCH(5, A1:A10, 0)) finds 5 in A1:A10 and returns the corresponding value from B1:B10.

  • CHOOSE selects a value based on an index number.
    Example: =CHOOSE(2, “A”, “B”, “C”) returns B.
  • SWITCH evaluates an expression against multiple conditions.
    Example: =SWITCH(A1, “Red”, 1, “Blue”, 2, 0) assigns values based on A1.


To create a PivotTable:

  • Select your data range (organized in rows and columns with headers).
  • Go to Insert > PivotTable.

Choose where to place the PivotTable (new or existing worksheet) and click OK.
The PivotTable field pane will appear for customization.

The Values area is where data gets summarized. It aggregates data fields using operations like sum, average, count, or custom formulas.
For example, dragging a “Sales” field to the Values area could sum up sales data for each category in your PivotTable.

Calculated fields allow you to create new metrics using formulas based on the existing data in the PivotTable.

  • Go to PivotTable Analyze > Fields, Items & Sets > Calculated Field.

Define the formula (e.g., Profit = Sales – Co

Slicers are visual filtering tools that make it easy to filter PivotTable data interactively.

  • Add a slicer via PivotTable Analyze > Insert Slicer.
  • Select the fields you want to filter by, and slicer buttons will appear.
    Clicking a slicer button instantly filters the PivotTable.


You can filter PivotTable data by:

  • Dragging a field into the Filters area and using the drop-down menu in the PivotTable.
  • Applying filters directly in column headers (e.g., filtering dates or categories).


Yes, you can combine multiple data sources by using the Data Model.

  • Import data into Excel or Power Query.
  • Create relationships between tables.
  • Use the Add to Data Model option when inserting a PivotTable.
    This allows you to analyze data across multiple tables.


To display values as percentages:

  • Right-click any value in the PivotTable.
  • Choose Show Values As and select an option like “% of Grand Total” or “% of Parent Row”.
    This displays values as percentages relative to a total.


  • Refreshing: Updates the PivotTable with new or changed data in the original range.
  • Updating: Involves modifying the data source, such as expanding the range to include new rows or columns. This requires editing the PivotTable’s data source.


To drill down into the details of summarized data:

  • Double-click any cell in the Values area.
    Excel creates a new sheet showing the raw data behind that specific value.


To remove all filters:

  • Go to PivotTable Analyze > Clear > Clear Filters.

Alternatively, manually clear each filter from the Filters area or column headers.
This restores the PivotTable to display all data.

Automation and Macros

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a programming language integrated into Excel. It allows users to automate tasks, create custom functions, and enhance Excel’s functionality beyond its standard features.

To record a macro:

  1. Go to View > Macros > Record Macro.
  2. Perform the actions you want to automate.
  3. Click Stop Recording once done.
    The recorded macro can be run later to repeat the steps.

Macros improve efficiency by automating repetitive tasks. They ensure accuracy, reduce manual errors, and save significant time when performing routine processes.

  1. Insert a shape or button in your worksheet.
  2. Right-click the shape or button, select Assign Macro, and choose the desired macro from the list.
    This makes the macro executable by clicking the shape or button.

Debugging is the process of identifying and fixing errors in VBA code. It ensures the code runs as intended by locating issues like syntax errors or logical mistakes during execution.

  1. Save the file as a .xlsm (macro-enabled workbook).
  2. Open the VBA editor, go to Tools > VBAProject Properties, and set a password under the Protection tab.This secures your VBA code from unauthorized access or editing.

Loops repeat actions in VBA. For example, a For…Next loop:

For i = 1 To 10  

    Cells(i, 1).Value = i  

Next i  


This loop populates cells in column A with numbers from 1 to 10.

  • Sub: Executes actions without returning a value. Example: A macro for formatting cells.
  • Function: Performs calculations and returns a result, which can be used in Excel formulas.

Custom functions are written in VBA. For example:

Function AddNumbers(a As Double, b As Double) As Double  

    AddNumbers = a + b  

End Function  

This function can be used in Excel like a regular formula: =AddNumbers(5, 3).

Write or record a macro to perform repetitive steps, such as formatting, copying, or calculations. Run the macro using the Macro menu or by assigning a shortcut key for quick execution.

Data Validation and Cleaning

To apply data validation:

  1. Select the cells you want to validate.
  2. Go to Data > Data Validation.
  3. Set the criteria (e.g., allow only numbers between 1-100) and click OK.
    This ensures that only valid entries are allowed in the selected cells.

The ISNUMBER function checks if a value is numeric. It returns TRUE for numbers and FALSE otherwise.
Example: =ISNUMBER(A1) checks if the value in A1 is a number, which is helpful in data validation or error handling.

  1. Select the range to check.
  2. Go to Home > Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cells Rules > Duplicate Values.

Choose a formatting style and click OK.
This visually highlights all duplicate entries in the selected range

The TRIM function removes all extra spaces in a text, except for single spaces between words.
Example: =TRIM(A1) cleans up the text in A1 by removing leading, trailing, and extra spaces between words.

  1. Select the column with the data to split.
  2. Go to Data > Text to Columns and follow the wizard.
  3. Choose delimiters (e.g., commas, spaces, or tabs) and finish.
    This separates text into multiple columns based on the chosen delimiter.

Flash Fill automatically completes a pattern based on examples.

  1. Enter the first example.
  2. Activate Flash Fill via Data > Flash Fill or press Ctrl+E.
    It detects the pattern and applies it to the rest of the data.

Restrict inputs using Data Validation:

  1. Go to Data > Data Validation.
  2. Define rules like data type, range, or specific inputs.
  3. Invalid entries will trigger a warning or be blocked.

The SUBSTITUTE function replaces specific text in a string with new text.
Example: =SUBSTITUTE(A1, “old_text”, “new_text”) replaces “old_text” with “new_text” in the value of A1.

The CLEAN function removes non-printable characters from text, ensuring the data is clean and usable.
Example: =CLEAN(A1) removes any hidden or non-printable characters from A1.

Use the IFERROR function to manage errors by replacing them with a custom message.
Example: =IFERROR(A1/B1, “Error”) displays “Error” if the formula A1/B1 encounters a division error. This helps keep data clean and readable.

Advanced Data Analysis

Solver is a tool for optimization problems in Excel, used to find the best solution by adjusting variables under given constraints.
To use Solver:

  1. Go to Data > Solver.
  2. Set the objective, decision variables, and constraints.
  3. Click Solve to get the optimal solution.

Scenarios allow you to test different outcomes based on varying input values.

  1. Go to Data > What-If Analysis > Scenario Manager.
  2. Create a new scenario, define the cells to change, and input values.
  3. Switch between scenarios to compare results.

Goal Seek determines the input needed to achieve a specific result in a formula.

  1. Go to Data > What-If Analysis > Goal Seek.
  2. Set the desired value for a formula cell and specify which input cell to adjust.
  3. Click OK to find the input that meets the goal.

Power Query is a data transformation and connection tool that simplifies importing, cleaning, and reshaping data from multiple sources.

  • Automates repetitive data preparation tasks.
  • Handles large datasets efficiently.
    Access Power Query via Data > Get Data.

Power Pivot enables advanced data modeling by combining multiple tables and creating relationships for analysis.

  1. Enable it via Power Pivot > Manage.
  2. Import data, define relationships, and create calculated fields.
  3. Use the data model in PivotTables or charts.

Grouping helps organize large datasets by collapsing or expanding rows/columns for better visualization.
To group data:

  1. Select rows or columns.
  2. Go to Data > Group.
    This creates a hierarchical view for easy navigation.

Consolidation combines data from various ranges or sheets into a single summary.

  1. Go to Data > Consolidate.
  2. Select the function (e.g., SUM, AVERAGE).
  3. Add references from different sheets and click OK.

Regression analysis helps identify relationships between variables.

  1. Enable the Analysis Toolpak in Add-ins.
  2. Go to Data > Data Analysis > Regression.
  3. Define the input ranges for dependent (Y) and independent (X) variables.
  4. Click OK to generate the results.

Excel offers tools like Forecast Sheets and functions to predict trends.

  1. Go to Data > Forecast > Forecast Sheet to create a visual forecast.
  2. Alternatively, use functions like FORECAST to calculate future values based on historical data.

A data model organizes and manages relationships between tables for analysis.
Steps to create:

  1. Go to Data > Manage Data Model.
  2. Add tables, define relationships, and use them in PivotTables or charts.
    This enables complex analysis across multiple datasets.

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Raunak Sarkar

Senior Data Scientist & Expert Statistician

Raunak Sarkar isn’t just a data analyst—he’s a data storyteller, problem solver, and one of the most sought-after experts in business analytics and data visualization. Known for his unmatched ability to turn raw data into powerful insights, Raunak has helped countless businesses make smarter, more strategic decisions that drive real results.

What sets Raunak apart is his ability to simplify the complex. His teaching style breaks down intimidating data concepts into bite-sized, relatable lessons, making it easy for learners to not only understand the material but also put it into action. With Raunak as your guide, you’ll go from “data newbie” to confident problem solver in no time.

With years of hands-on experience across industries, Raunak brings a wealth of knowledge to every lesson. He’s worked on solving real-world challenges, fine-tuning his expertise, and developing strategies that work in the real world. His unique mix of technical know-how and real-world experience makes his lessons both practical and inspiring.

But Raunak isn’t just a mentor—he’s a motivator. He’s passionate about empowering learners to think critically, analyze effectively, and make decisions backed by solid data. Whether you're a beginner looking to dive into the world of analytics or a seasoned professional wanting to sharpen your skills, learning from Raunak is an experience that will transform the way you think about data.

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Omar Hassan

Senior Data Scientist & Expert Statistician

Omar Hassan has been in the tech industry for more than a decade and is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with. He has shown a remarkable career of innovation and impact through his outstanding leadership in ground-breaking initiatives with multinational companies to redefine business performance through innovative analytical strategies.

He can make the complex simple. He has the ability to transform theoretical concepts into practical tools, ensuring that learners not only understand them but also know how to apply them in the real world. His teaching style is all about clarity and relevance—helping you connect the dots and see the bigger picture while mastering the finer details.

But for Omar, it's not just the technology; it's also people. As a mentor he was very passionate about building and helping others grow along. Whether he was bringing success to teams or igniting potential in students' eyes, Omar's joy is in sharing knowledge to others and inspiring them with great passion.

Learn through Omar. That means learn the skills but most especially the insights of somebody who's been there and wants to help you go it better. You better start getting ready for levelling up with one of the best in the business.

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Niharika Upadhyay

Data Science Instructor & ML Expert

Niharika Upadhyay is an innovator in the fields of machine learning, predictive analytics, and big data technologies. She has always been deeply passionate about innovation and education and has dedicated her career to empowering aspiring data scientists to unlock their potential and thrive in the ever-evolving world of technology.

What makes Niharika stand out is her dynamic and interactive teaching style. She believes in learning by doing, placing a strong emphasis on hands-on development. Her approach goes beyond just imparting knowledge—she equips her students with practical tools, actionable skills, and the confidence needed to tackle real-world challenges and build successful careers in data science.

Niharika has been a transforming mentor for thousands of students who attribute her guidance as an influential point in their career journeys. She has an extraordinary knack for breaking down seemingly complicated concepts into digestible and relatable ideas, and her favorite learner base cuts across every spectrum. Whether she is taking students through the basics of machine learning or diving into advanced applications of big data, the sessions are always engaging, practical, and results-oriented.

Apart from a mentor, Niharika is a thought leader for the tech space. Keeping herself updated with the recent trends in emerging technologies while refining her knowledge and conveying the latest industry insights to learners is her practice. Her devotion to staying ahead of the curve ensures that her learners are fully equipped with cutting-edge skills as well as industry-relevant expertise.

With her blend of technical brilliance, practical teaching methods, and genuine care for her students' success, Niharika Upadhyay isn't just shaping data scientists—she's shaping the future of the tech industry.

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Muskan Sahu

Data Science Instructor & ML Engineer

Muskan Sahu is an excellent Python programmer and mentor who teaches data science with an avid passion for making anything that seems complex feel really simple. Her approach involves lots of hands-on practice with real-world problems, making what you learn applicable and relevant. Muskan has focused on empowering her students to be equipped with all the tools and confidence necessary for success, so not only do they understand what's going on but know how to use it right.

In each lesson, her expertise in data manipulation and exploratory data analysis is evident, as well as her dedication to making learners think like data scientists. Muskan's teaching style is engaging and interactive; it makes it easy for students to connect with the material and gain practical skills.

With her rich industry experience, Muskan brings valuable real-world insights into her lessons. She has worked with various organizations, delivering data-driven solutions that improve performance and efficiency. This allows her to share relevant, real-world examples that prepare students for success in the field.

Learning from Muskan means not only technical skills but also practical knowledge and confidence to thrive in the dynamic world of data science. Her teaching ensures that students are well-equipped to handle any challenge and make a meaningful impact in their careers.

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Devansh Dixit

Cyber Security Instructor & Cyber Security Specialist

Devansh is more than just an expert at protecting digital spaces; he is a true guardian of the virtual world. He brings years of hands-on experience in ICT Security, Risk Management, and Ethical Hacking. A proven track record of having helped businesses and individuals bolster their cyber defenses, he is a master at securing complex systems and responding to constantly evolving threats.

What makes Devansh different is that he teaches practically. He takes the vast cybersecurity world and breaks it into digestible lessons, turning complex ideas into actionable strategies. Whether it's securing a network or understanding ethical hacking, his lessons empower learners to address real-world security challenges with confidence.

With several years of experience working for top-tier cybersecurity firms, like EthicalHat Cyber Security, he's not only armed with technical acumen but also a deep understanding of navigating the latest trends and risks that are happening in the industry. His balance of theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience allows for insightful instruction that is instantly applicable.

Beyond being an instructor, he is a motivator who instills a sense of urgency and responsibility in his students. His passion for cybersecurity drives him to create a learning environment that is both engaging and transformative. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to enhance your expertise, learning from this instructor will sharpen your skills and broaden your perspective on the vital field of cybersecurity.

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Predictive Maintenance

Basic Data Science Skills Needed

1.Data Cleaning and Preprocessing

2.Descriptive Statistics

3.Time-Series Analysis

4.Basic Predictive Modeling

5.Data Visualization (e.g., using Matplotlib, Seaborn)

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Fraud Detection

Basic Data Science Skills Needed

1.Pattern Recognition

2.Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

3.Supervised Learning Techniques (e.g., Decision Trees, Logistic Regression)

4.Basic Anomaly Detection Methods

5.Data Mining Fundamentals

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Personalized Medicine

Basic Data Science Skills Needed

1.Data Integration and Cleaning

2.Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

3.Basic Machine Learning Models

4.Data Visualization (e.g., using Tableau, Python libraries)

5.Statistical Analysis in Healthcare

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Customer Churn Prediction

Basic Data Science Skills Needed

1.Data Wrangling and Cleaning

2.Customer Data Analysis

3.Basic Classification Models (e.g., Logistic Regression)

4.Data Visualization

5.Statistical Analysis

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Climate Change Analysis

Basic Data Science Skills Needed

1.Data Aggregation and Cleaning

2.Statistical Analysis

3.Geospatial Data Handling

4.Predictive Analytics for Environmental Data

5.Visualization Tools (e.g., GIS, Python libraries)

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Stock Market Prediction

Basic Data Science Skills Needed

1.Time-Series Analysis

2.Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

3.Basic Predictive Models (e.g., Linear Regression)

4.Data Cleaning and Feature Engineering

5.Data Visualization

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Self-Driving Cars

Basic Data Science Skills Needed

1.Data Preprocessing

2.Computer Vision Basics

3.Introduction to Deep Learning (e.g., CNNs)

4.Data Analysis and Fusion

5.Statistical Analysis

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Recommender Systems

Basic Data Science Skills Needed

1.Data Cleaning and Wrangling

2.Collaborative Filtering Techniques

3.Content-Based Filtering Basics

4.Basic Statistical Analysis

5.Data Visualization

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Image-to-Image Translation

Skills Needed

1.Computer Vision

2.Image Processing

3.Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

4.Deep Learning Frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch)

5.Data Augmentation

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Text-to-Image Synthesis

Skills Needed

1.Natural Language Processing (NLP)

2.GANs and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs)

3.Deep Learning Frameworks

4.Image Generation Techniques

5.Data Preprocessing

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Music Generation

Skills Needed

1.Deep Learning for Sequence Data

2.Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and LSTMs

3.Audio Processing

4.Music Theory and Composition

5.Python and Libraries (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch, Librosa)

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Video Frame Interpolation

Skills Needed

1.Computer Vision

2.Optical Flow Estimation

3.Deep Learning Techniques

4.Video Processing Tools (e.g., OpenCV)

5.Generative Models

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Character Animation

Skills Needed

1.Animation Techniques

2.Natural Language Processing (NLP)

3.Generative Models (e.g., GANs)

4.Audio Processing

5.Deep Learning Frameworks

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Speech Synthesis

Skills Needed

1.Text-to-Speech (TTS) Technologies

2.Deep Learning for Audio Data

3.NLP and Linguistic Processing

4.Signal Processing

5.Frameworks (e.g., Tacotron, WaveNet)

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Story Generation

Skills Needed

1.NLP and Text Generation

2.Transformers (e.g., GPT models)

3.Machine Learning

4.Data Preprocessing

5.Creative Writing Algorithms

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Medical Image Synthesis

Skills Needed

1.Medical Image Processing

2.GANs and Synthetic Data Generation

3.Deep Learning Frameworks

4.Image Segmentation

5.Privacy-Preserving Techniques (e.g., Differential Privacy)

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Fraud Detection

Skills Needed

1.Data Cleaning and Preprocessing

2.Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

3.Anomaly Detection Techniques

4.Supervised Learning Models

5.Pattern Recognition

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Customer Segmentation

Skills Needed

1.Data Wrangling and Cleaning

2.Clustering Techniques

3.Descriptive Statistics

4.Data Visualization Tools

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Sentiment Analysis

Skills Needed

1.Text Preprocessing

2.Natural Language Processing (NLP) Basics

3.Sentiment Classification Models

4.Data Visualization

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Churn Analysis

Skills Needed

1.Data Cleaning and Transformation

2.Predictive Modeling

3.Feature Selection

4.Statistical Analysis

5.Data Visualization

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Supply Chain Optimization

Skills Needed

1.Data Aggregation and Cleaning

2.Statistical Analysis

3.Optimization Techniques

4.Descriptive and Predictive Analytics

5.Data Visualization

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Energy Consumption Forecasting

Skills Needed

1.Time-Series Analysis Basics

2.Predictive Modeling Techniques

3.Data Cleaning and Transformation

4.Statistical Analysis

5.Data Visualization

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Healthcare Analytics

Skills Needed

1.Data Preprocessing and Integration

2.Statistical Analysis

3.Predictive Modeling

4.Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

5.Data Visualization

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Traffic Analysis and Optimization

Skills Needed

1.Geospatial Data Analysis

2.Data Cleaning and Processing

3.Statistical Modeling

4.Visualization of Traffic Patterns

5.Predictive Analytics

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Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Analysis

Skills Needed

1.Data Preprocessing and Cleaning

2.Predictive Modeling (e.g., Regression, Decision Trees)

3.Customer Data Analysis

4.Statistical Analysis

5.Data Visualization

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Market Basket Analysis for Retail

Skills Needed

1.Association Rules Mining (e.g., Apriori Algorithm)

2.Data Cleaning and Transformation

3.Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

4.Data Visualization

5.Statistical Analysis

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Marketing Campaign Effectiveness Analysis

Skills Needed

1.Data Analysis and Interpretation

2.Statistical Analysis (e.g., A/B Testing)

3.Predictive Modeling

4.Data Visualization

5.KPI Monitoring

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Sales Forecasting and Demand Planning

Skills Needed

1.Time-Series Analysis

2.Predictive Modeling (e.g., ARIMA, Regression)

3.Data Cleaning and Preparation

4.Data Visualization

5.Statistical Analysis

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Risk Management and Fraud Detection

Skills Needed

1.Data Cleaning and Preprocessing

2.Anomaly Detection Techniques

3.Machine Learning Models (e.g., Random Forest, Neural Networks)

4.Data Visualization

5.Statistical Analysis

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Supply Chain Analytics and Vendor Management

Skills Needed

1.Data Aggregation and Cleaning

2.Predictive Modeling

3.Descriptive Statistics

4.Data Visualization

5.Optimization Techniques

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Customer Segmentation and Personalization

Skills Needed

1.Data Wrangling and Cleaning

2.Clustering Techniques (e.g., K-Means, DBSCAN)

3.Descriptive Statistics

4.Data Visualization

5.Predictive Modeling

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Business Performance Dashboard and KPI Monitoring

Skills Needed

1.Data Visualization Tools (e.g., Power BI, Tableau)

2.KPI Monitoring and Reporting

3.Data Cleaning and Integration

4.Dashboard Development

5.Statistical Analysis

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Network Vulnerability Assessment

Skills Needed

1.Knowledge of vulnerability scanning tools (e.g., Nessus, OpenVAS).

2.Understanding of network protocols and configurations.

3.Data analysis to identify and prioritize vulnerabilities.

4.Reporting and documentation for security findings.

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Phishing Simulation

Skills Needed

1.Familiarity with phishing simulation tools (e.g., GoPhish, Cofense).

2.Data analysis to interpret employee responses.

3.Knowledge of phishing tactics and techniques.

4.Communication skills for training and feedback.

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Incident Response Plan Development

Skills Needed

1.Incident management frameworks (e.g., NIST, ISO 27001).

2.Risk assessment and prioritization.

3.Data tracking and timeline creation for incidents.

4.Scenario modeling to anticipate potential threats.

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Penetration Testing

Skills Needed

1.Proficiency in penetration testing tools (e.g., Metasploit, Burp Suite).

2.Understanding of ethical hacking methodologies.

3.Knowledge of operating systems and application vulnerabilities.

4.Report generation and remediation planning.

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Malware Analysis

Skills Needed

1.Expertise in malware analysis tools (e.g., IDA Pro, Wireshark).

2.Knowledge of dynamic and static analysis techniques.

3.Proficiency in reverse engineering.

4.Threat intelligence and pattern recognition.

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Secure Web Application Development

Skills Needed

1.Secure coding practices (e.g., input validation, encryption).

2.Familiarity with security testing tools (e.g., OWASP ZAP, SonarQube).

3.Knowledge of application security frameworks (e.g., OWASP).

4.Understanding of regulatory compliance (e.g., GDPR, PCI DSS).

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Cybersecurity Awareness Training Program

Skills Needed

1.Behavioral analytics to measure training effectiveness.

2.Knowledge of common cyber threats (e.g., phishing, malware).

3.Communication skills for delivering engaging training sessions.

4.Use of training platforms (e.g., KnowBe4, Infosec IQ).

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Data Loss Prevention Strategy

Skills Needed

1.Familiarity with DLP tools (e.g., Symantec DLP, Forcepoint).

2.Data classification and encryption techniques.

3.Understanding of compliance standards (e.g., HIPAA, GDPR).

4.Risk assessment and policy development.

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